Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Find: Keep it Together with a Simple Inbox

Things are a little chaotic around our [new] house! We moved in on Saturday, so we're still swimming in boxes and packing paper and definitely don't have all our systems set up. We are far from my comfort zone of 'a place for everything and everything in it's place.' But amongst the exciting and overwhelming chaos of settling into a new home, one very important but simple organizing system is helping me keep it all together and save my inbox. It's the most basic of organizational principles...keeping like things together. I use my inbox to stash all important papers, ranging from bills to receipts to ideas to assembly instructions. It gives me a safe place to put anything that comes my way, but that I don't have time to further process (i.e. file, do, read) at the moment.

Of course the inbox can't be the end of the system. You need to follow through and process what goes in or your inbox will just be a ever-growing pile. But take it from me, a corralled pile in a consistent inbox is A LOT safer than papers strewn around a house that's in a partially unpacked and not-so-settled-state. Last night I finally sat down for the first time in a couple weeks (eeek!) to take stock of and start managing what was in my inbox. It always makes me feel a lot better when I wade my way through my inbox, but just knowing that I had a safe place to put things was a life saver during an especially hectic couple of weeks in our life!

My inbox happens to be a very simple Ikea Kassett box with a lid, but you can choose any letter-size box that suits your fancy. So this week's Friday Find is less of a noun and more of a verb...if you don't have an inbox, go find yourself one this weekend!

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