Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Get Organized Today!

Happy 2011! If you're like many people, 'Get Organized' might be on your priority list for the new year. January is the perfect time for a fresh start and it also happens to be the official Get Organized (GO) Month. So what better time to get started on your organizing goals than now?! If you're not sure where or how to get started, here are some tips:

  1. Start Small! Don't look at your whole house, or office, or life as a hopeless organizational disaster - you will be instantly overwhelmed and probably won't make any progress. Instead, pick a room, or a closet, or even a drawer to start with. And ditch the all or nothing attitude - small victories lead to big success!
  2. It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be good enough. Organizing does not necessarily mean ending up with a house that looks like it could be in a magazine. It means having systems and storage that make your life easier and contribute to the vision you have for your space. It's often a good idea to test out a new system using containers/storage you already have - if it works well and you want to upgrade to something that looks better, go for it.
  3. When in doubt, label it. If you are boxing items in a storage place like the basement, attic or even closets, don't pretend you will remember what you put in there when you need to get it back out. Do yourself a favor and label it! Clear containers also help, but even those should be labeled. If you share your space with others, labeling can help keep everyone on the same page even with day-to-day items. Just think, you won't have to answer "Where's the____?" ten times a day.
  4. If you're overwhelmed, get help. Staying organized is a huge challenge with the busy schedules and over-stuffed spaces we live with today. That's why there are professional organizers to help you dig out and get to the life you want to live. And it's not just a one-time fix - we can teach you the skills to keep your space organized for good!
Bottom Line: Take advantage of the January fresh-start spirit and take a step toward a more organized life today!

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