Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday Tip: Know What You Have

Have you ever been on the highway without toll money, run out of toilet paper or paper towels at home, or been out with your kids without snacks or diapers? Knowing what you have (and what you don't) is a huge part of being organized, in my opinion. In my former life, I definitely let myself get into a few pickles due to lack of systems and planning to keep on top of my household, car or personal inventory. 

Over the years, I've gradually developed better habits to keep on top these everyday necessities...like re-stocking the parking meter change in my car whenever I use it and writing items on my shopping list as soon as I notice they're running out. But as with most things organizing, being a parent has forced me to kick my organization to a new level. It's less ok, and definitely less bearable, to get into an 'inventory' pickle, such as running out of gas or cash or diapers with a little one!! So I do my best to not let my gas get below a quarter tank (and yes, I sound like my wonderful mother who taught me this a long time ago...I'm finally listening), to clean out and re-stock the diaper bag as soon as we get home from an outing, and other painless but majorly pain-saving inventory systems. 

My advice to myself and all of you...anytime you say or think, "that would stink if I ran out of or forgot to...", do something about it! Come up with a simple system to prevent an inventory failure. For household items, the easiest bet is to keep a running shopping list and add things you're running low on. I keep my list on my phone so I have it with me whenever I head to the store. For on the go tasks, the best practice is to take care of them as soon as you notice you're running low or keep a spare inventory somewhere that's accessible if a problem pops up. My all-time best example of this was the time I dropped my entire set of keys in a storm drain...yes, you read that correctly. Fortunately, I had a spare condo key in my bag (not in my condo where it wouldn't have been any use) and spare keys to the other important items (like my car) in my condo. Guess what my next to-do item was after the storm-drain incident? Get a new set of spare keys :)

Do you have a spare set when you need it?

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